For this week our lecturer organised the actors and set for us so we didn’t have to prepare anything for the lesson. We would usually organise this before the lesson as well as people’s roles and the shots we want but we decided the shots during this lesson instead. First, we read through the scene and underlined interesting moments that stood out as emotional beats. We then discussed what shots could be used as people tried it out with the handheld camera. We later split up into two groups with my group doing the second page of the scene. We discussed what shots to do and didn’t have much time to do this. By the time I spoke to the actors about what they would do in the shots, like where they move in the space, it was time to film the scene. So we couldn’t rehearse the scene and for filming, I was cable basher so I made sure the cable of the handheld camera didn’t collide with the set and crew. We only managed to film the first half of the scene since we only had ten minutes left to do it and not all the shots were done right because we weren’t able to rehearse. So honestly it was a mess and I think that’s because we had to plan the scene in the lesson. It was nice not having to prepare everything for the lesson but that meant we had to figure out everything in the lesson which we didn’t have time for. We can’t plan, rehearse and film in one lesson. Preparation must be done before the lesson and being told to prepare the shots for the script we’ve never seen before was a huge mistake. I would have preferred it if the lecturer could have organised the shots or told us to prepare them beforehand since it wastes too much time in the lesson. Which we need to make the production. It is essential everything is planned before the lesson, not during.